No, not our marriage anniversary. It's our 2 year mark together! We began dating July 15, 2007. :) Crazy that we have made it this far and how much things have changed! :)
Quick update on the house. God provided for us yet again. Once we found out yesterday that we had the house, we realized we only have 30 days to get our financing in order. So naturally we went online to our financial institution and tried to apply online.
We got to the end and were quoted an interest rate which we found to be acceptable. However, when we went to lock in that rate at the last screen, it jumped by 1% point. In mortgage speak this is gargantuan. It meant $100 more a month in our mortgage. We decided to wait and call the bank in the morning.
We spent the day worrying. We found out why our interest rate jumped. The home we had been in contract with in April caused our credit rating to go slightly down although it was still really good. Because the title had a legal problem, the seller had had to back out of that contract even though we had already started our loan process.
So we were upset that we couldn't get a lower interest rate. Because we are already in contract with our soon to be home, we have to apply for a loan NOW. We checked around but stayed with the same bank.
The cool thing comes in here. We went to finalize our loan application and take the higher interest rate and God had miraculously lowered our rate to almost as low as the original rate. We have no other idea how else this could have happened, given that the bank had just told us today the cause of the spike. It's not like our circumstances in our credit changed. Wow.
Although this process is very stressful, it is so neat to see how God is working out all the details. Stay tuned for more updates on the house buying process!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
As little as 48 hours ago, we had no solid leads on any houses. We were both feeling very discouraged about the whole situation.
Back at the end of June, we were preparing to move in temporarily with Jay's parents. Although I love them, I was discouraged at the course our life had taken. Looking back, it felt like Abraham, being told to move with out an end goal. I did not have too much faith in our situation. I made one request from Jay that I had no idea would have any impact on anything...
So our realtor, Matt Whitman, has been working tirelessly on finding us a home. Since March, I would estimate he has shown us between 50 to 70 houses. Seven of these homes, we put contracts on so that was even more work for him.
On Sunday, I began looking for homes on the internet and we sent off about 8 potential homes to look at to Matt. We've never looked at homes with Matt on Sundays so as to give him some time away from us. However, Jay decided to call Matt and see if we could look at any that day since we are going out of town on Thursday.
Matt went to his office and found two homes still available. Only one was available to look at that Sunday evening so we went. I must admit, I went without thinking we would find something we love or even something that was a viable option.
So when I walked in this regular sale home (all the others have been shorts sales and foreclosures) and fell quickly in love. It is perfect, everything we wanted and more (more on that later).
The sellers realtor met us at the house and told us she had an offer but would wait for ours if we wanted to offer. Which we did of course! So we went back to the office on Sunday night to write a contract, knowing we were in competition for the house. Through some very intense and nerve wracking negotiating, we ended up leaving Matt's office near 11pm after walking away from the wants/needs of the seller.
I thought we were walking away from this home.
I was wrong.
Last night we got a message from the seller's realtor saying they wanted to work with our offer. However, they didn't like the pre-approval loan letter we had and it was all our bank could give us without actually applying for a loan which would take longer than the noon Tuesday deadline the seller had given us to supply this.
We found a lender last night at 8pm who would give us an approval and they verbally accepted our offer last night!!!
I was still nervous though because we had no written ratified contract. After waiting all morning, I just received word about 15 minutes ago that the house indeed is ours.
I'm still just shocked that 48 hours ago we hadn't even heard of this house and it is to be our home in just 30 days. We close on August 14.
This is where my request of Jay comes in and it is amazing that God listens to our 'little' requests and, I think, has a great sense of humor. The night before we moved to his parents, I told him I needed an end date, a date we would give up looking for homes and make arrangements to rent again.
Do you know what that date was?
August 15.
More details to come. Pray the rest of the process goes smoothly and without bumps!
Back at the end of June, we were preparing to move in temporarily with Jay's parents. Although I love them, I was discouraged at the course our life had taken. Looking back, it felt like Abraham, being told to move with out an end goal. I did not have too much faith in our situation. I made one request from Jay that I had no idea would have any impact on anything...
So our realtor, Matt Whitman, has been working tirelessly on finding us a home. Since March, I would estimate he has shown us between 50 to 70 houses. Seven of these homes, we put contracts on so that was even more work for him.
On Sunday, I began looking for homes on the internet and we sent off about 8 potential homes to look at to Matt. We've never looked at homes with Matt on Sundays so as to give him some time away from us. However, Jay decided to call Matt and see if we could look at any that day since we are going out of town on Thursday.
Matt went to his office and found two homes still available. Only one was available to look at that Sunday evening so we went. I must admit, I went without thinking we would find something we love or even something that was a viable option.
So when I walked in this regular sale home (all the others have been shorts sales and foreclosures) and fell quickly in love. It is perfect, everything we wanted and more (more on that later).
The sellers realtor met us at the house and told us she had an offer but would wait for ours if we wanted to offer. Which we did of course! So we went back to the office on Sunday night to write a contract, knowing we were in competition for the house. Through some very intense and nerve wracking negotiating, we ended up leaving Matt's office near 11pm after walking away from the wants/needs of the seller.
I thought we were walking away from this home.
I was wrong.
Last night we got a message from the seller's realtor saying they wanted to work with our offer. However, they didn't like the pre-approval loan letter we had and it was all our bank could give us without actually applying for a loan which would take longer than the noon Tuesday deadline the seller had given us to supply this.
We found a lender last night at 8pm who would give us an approval and they verbally accepted our offer last night!!!
I was still nervous though because we had no written ratified contract. After waiting all morning, I just received word about 15 minutes ago that the house indeed is ours.
I'm still just shocked that 48 hours ago we hadn't even heard of this house and it is to be our home in just 30 days. We close on August 14.
This is where my request of Jay comes in and it is amazing that God listens to our 'little' requests and, I think, has a great sense of humor. The night before we moved to his parents, I told him I needed an end date, a date we would give up looking for homes and make arrangements to rent again.
Do you know what that date was?
August 15.
More details to come. Pray the rest of the process goes smoothly and without bumps!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
One of the many reasons I love my husband is that although he very much enjoys being on time, he never rushes me even when I am running late. Never once has he ever asked me when I will be ready to leave, even when the time to be there has past. :) What a good hubs. :)
Update on Kate
I found a recent update on Kate McRae, the little girl with the brain tumor. Her parents (her mother was a fellow student at my high school) posted another video on You Tube and I thought I would provide the link for their new video here. At the beginning it shows Kate just before her big surgery last week, being just as cute as possible. :) Please pass this on to anyone who would pray for her.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Busy Summer, Just the Way I Like It!
So it appears that our move was just the beginning of our busy summer. In the pipeline for July:
July 16-20: Boston bound to see Jess (& meet Jason!), Holly & Brian, Chris and Gina (and new baby Joey) and Kevin and Jackie. We can't wait for this little get away and to see our fun friends!
July 24: weekend at Lake Anna with small group at Joe and Donna's.
Either August 1 or 8: helping Katie move from Silver Spring, MD back into DC
August 22: trip to WV to see the newly engaged Rob and Christina. Mae might also be going on this trip with us. Can't wait to spend time with the fam and also see the rock Rob got Christina!
August 29: an overnight trip for our 1st anniversary! It is already here, I can't believe it! Location to be determined but most likely it will be to a bed and breakfast or an overnight trip to DC to go on a dinner cruise on the Potomac I've been dying to go on. :)
That's as much as we have planned so far. Hopefully we will buy a home somewhere in there too and include a moving day. Hope you all are having a great summer too!
July 16-20: Boston bound to see Jess (& meet Jason!), Holly & Brian, Chris and Gina (and new baby Joey) and Kevin and Jackie. We can't wait for this little get away and to see our fun friends!
July 24: weekend at Lake Anna with small group at Joe and Donna's.
Either August 1 or 8: helping Katie move from Silver Spring, MD back into DC
August 22: trip to WV to see the newly engaged Rob and Christina. Mae might also be going on this trip with us. Can't wait to spend time with the fam and also see the rock Rob got Christina!
August 29: an overnight trip for our 1st anniversary! It is already here, I can't believe it! Location to be determined but most likely it will be to a bed and breakfast or an overnight trip to DC to go on a dinner cruise on the Potomac I've been dying to go on. :)
That's as much as we have planned so far. Hopefully we will buy a home somewhere in there too and include a moving day. Hope you all are having a great summer too!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July!
This is my second favorite holiday (excluding my birthday of course). Maybe it's summer, maybe it's the watermelon or the grilling or the sunny weather that could make anyone have a lighter step.
I love summer and the 4th is the epitome of this time of year! Today we spent it at our friend's Max and Amanda's parents for a pool party for Max's birthday! Amanda's dad builds pools for a living so needless to say, they have a state of the art pool. We swam and ate to our heart's content in the sun. I had managed earlier to convince Jay I needed a new swim suit so of course I had to put it to good use.
We also grilled out burgers and hotdogs, had some watermelon and some other great summer foods. Because of all this, we are just to tired to go the fireworks downtown....oh well, maybe next year!
Happy 4th of July!
I love summer and the 4th is the epitome of this time of year! Today we spent it at our friend's Max and Amanda's parents for a pool party for Max's birthday! Amanda's dad builds pools for a living so needless to say, they have a state of the art pool. We swam and ate to our heart's content in the sun. I had managed earlier to convince Jay I needed a new swim suit so of course I had to put it to good use.
We also grilled out burgers and hotdogs, had some watermelon and some other great summer foods. Because of all this, we are just to tired to go the fireworks downtown....oh well, maybe next year!
Happy 4th of July!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Praying for Kate McRae
For those of you who don't know, I went to a very small high school. It had, during my time, about 200 students total if that. Kate McRae is the daughter of a girl who went to high school with me. I didn't know her personally, however, I feel for her now as she and her husband go through this with their daughter Kate. Please watch the below video and pray for little Kate who was diagnosed with a large brain tumor on Monday.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Life Point Gives Back
What you say does Life Point Gives Back have to do with us moving?
Well my friend, a lot.
Jay and I moved some small things to our space on Friday night. It was lightening when we loaded up the car and then poured buckets and buckets by the time we got to our destination. That's how the weekend of moving began.
We woke up on Saturday morning to an odd sound. It was the sound of our POD being delivered at 7am. Jay got ready for a morning of work and I got ready to pack up the kitchen. Henry and Diane came over that morning and pack up all of our food to take back to theirs. We ran out of boxes at about 11:30am and the moving party started at 12:30pm. Jay got off work at 12pm and ran out for 5 more boxes while we had pizza delivered.
Because we were moving we were not able to participate in something our church was doing from 10am to 12pm something called Lifepoint Gives Back. The church plan was go out out and help in the community. In the words of our Pastor, "It's time for the church to stop telling everyone what not to be doing and go out and show people God's love through our service." They did things like hand out water at local parks, load people's groceries into their cars for them, taking sweets to local businesses and washing people's windshields at the gas stations. Just because. Jay and I really wanted to be involved in this but obviously we were pretty busy.
On Wednesday, we had told our small group that we would love any help anyone could give us moving. We had a lot of people tell us that maybe they could help us so we weren't sure what to expect, especially since everyone was already volunteering in the heat for two hours prior. At 12:30pm I saw Joe and Tony show up and thought, okay, more would have definitely better but any help we can get is great.
However, we were totally shocked when over 15 people showed up to help us. What an unexpected blessing and surprise. Because of this, we had our whole apartment moved downstairs (bless them it was three flights) and strategically stacked into a POD in about 2 hours. It went so fast I hardly knew how it happened!
We feel very lucky to be a part of a church and a small group that showed their love to us. Many people barely knew us as they had just started coming. And yet they came to help us anyway.
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and are so thankful that you sacrificed your Saturday to participate in the annoyance of moving, especially when it was for someone else. Thank you!
Well my friend, a lot.
Jay and I moved some small things to our space on Friday night. It was lightening when we loaded up the car and then poured buckets and buckets by the time we got to our destination. That's how the weekend of moving began.
We woke up on Saturday morning to an odd sound. It was the sound of our POD being delivered at 7am. Jay got ready for a morning of work and I got ready to pack up the kitchen. Henry and Diane came over that morning and pack up all of our food to take back to theirs. We ran out of boxes at about 11:30am and the moving party started at 12:30pm. Jay got off work at 12pm and ran out for 5 more boxes while we had pizza delivered.
Because we were moving we were not able to participate in something our church was doing from 10am to 12pm something called Lifepoint Gives Back. The church plan was go out out and help in the community. In the words of our Pastor, "It's time for the church to stop telling everyone what not to be doing and go out and show people God's love through our service." They did things like hand out water at local parks, load people's groceries into their cars for them, taking sweets to local businesses and washing people's windshields at the gas stations. Just because. Jay and I really wanted to be involved in this but obviously we were pretty busy.
On Wednesday, we had told our small group that we would love any help anyone could give us moving. We had a lot of people tell us that maybe they could help us so we weren't sure what to expect, especially since everyone was already volunteering in the heat for two hours prior. At 12:30pm I saw Joe and Tony show up and thought, okay, more would have definitely better but any help we can get is great.
However, we were totally shocked when over 15 people showed up to help us. What an unexpected blessing and surprise. Because of this, we had our whole apartment moved downstairs (bless them it was three flights) and strategically stacked into a POD in about 2 hours. It went so fast I hardly knew how it happened!
We feel very lucky to be a part of a church and a small group that showed their love to us. Many people barely knew us as they had just started coming. And yet they came to help us anyway.
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts and are so thankful that you sacrificed your Saturday to participate in the annoyance of moving, especially when it was for someone else. Thank you!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Mid-Night Post
So, we are almost finished with this week of transitioning. Otherwise known as the torture of moving. Oh how I hate moving. I feel like I've already completed my quota of moving in life but it looks as though there will be at least two more moves.
I've spent the whole of this week trying to cram 40 hours a week into M-Th. It worked, as of 20 minutes ago, I just completed 40 hours and then also 2 hours of overtime. Oh and that's not all, I have more work to do tomorrow. My brain is fried tonight though and my work needs to be quality so.....
Also up tomorrow, a much needed hair cut and highlight. My roots are pretty nasty. And that is the end of things that I am looking forward to in this weekend! After work and the hair appointment, I need to start taking some things over to our new residence, heirlooms, food, cosmetics, etc. Plus, I need to pack up the kitchen. I'm just praying that God will extend the day for me tomorrow as there is just so much to do.
Luckily, some of Jay's friends and then some of our small group from church will be coming over on Saturday at 12:30pm to help us pack up the POD we rented. I'm hoping for a good turnout and an easy move with minimal breakage.
Now to find our new digs......should be an interesting couple of months. Stay tuned for more blog-worthy adventures. Hopefully more good than bad. :)
I've spent the whole of this week trying to cram 40 hours a week into M-Th. It worked, as of 20 minutes ago, I just completed 40 hours and then also 2 hours of overtime. Oh and that's not all, I have more work to do tomorrow. My brain is fried tonight though and my work needs to be quality so.....
Also up tomorrow, a much needed hair cut and highlight. My roots are pretty nasty. And that is the end of things that I am looking forward to in this weekend! After work and the hair appointment, I need to start taking some things over to our new residence, heirlooms, food, cosmetics, etc. Plus, I need to pack up the kitchen. I'm just praying that God will extend the day for me tomorrow as there is just so much to do.
Luckily, some of Jay's friends and then some of our small group from church will be coming over on Saturday at 12:30pm to help us pack up the POD we rented. I'm hoping for a good turnout and an easy move with minimal breakage.
Now to find our new digs......should be an interesting couple of months. Stay tuned for more blog-worthy adventures. Hopefully more good than bad. :)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
On This, The Longest Day of the Year!
Happy Father's Day Dad!
8am: wake up and get ready for church.
9:30am: Life Point Church, yet another great Sunday and sermon.
11am: meet up with Mae at Henry and Diane's for a Father's Day lunch
3:30pm: head home to our now messy apartment. Half packed.
4:15pm: Danielle comes over with the kiddos and they hang out our park across from our apartment.
6pm: come upstairs to the last week of our home and relax a bit in front of the TV.
Not much report today but I guess that is a good Sunday.
Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there!
8am: wake up and get ready for church.
9:30am: Life Point Church, yet another great Sunday and sermon.
11am: meet up with Mae at Henry and Diane's for a Father's Day lunch
3:30pm: head home to our now messy apartment. Half packed.
4:15pm: Danielle comes over with the kiddos and they hang out our park across from our apartment.
6pm: come upstairs to the last week of our home and relax a bit in front of the TV.
Not much report today but I guess that is a good Sunday.
Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
T-Minus 1 Week
We are close, very close to the end of our lease at our apartment. June 30 is the big day to be out of our place. We started packing up everything today and it was really sad! This was our newlywed love nest! Oh well, on to bigger and better things.
But first....
As of next Sunday, we will be living with Jay's parents. I hope they know what they are getting into! We have a bedroom we can use there and also another room that I can use for my office since I work from home. From here, we will continue the house hunt.
We've put in 7 offers on 7 different homes. Only one is still active as a maybe. It is a very big house and I'm not going to hold my breath on this one as wonderful as it would be.
Today, we changed tactics. We are looking into townhomes. Although the yard could be an issue, some of the square footage on these places are bigger than the homes we've looked at thus far. And the price, so much cheaper!
Maybe townhomes are more our pace....we'll see.
But first....
As of next Sunday, we will be living with Jay's parents. I hope they know what they are getting into! We have a bedroom we can use there and also another room that I can use for my office since I work from home. From here, we will continue the house hunt.
We've put in 7 offers on 7 different homes. Only one is still active as a maybe. It is a very big house and I'm not going to hold my breath on this one as wonderful as it would be.
Today, we changed tactics. We are looking into townhomes. Although the yard could be an issue, some of the square footage on these places are bigger than the homes we've looked at thus far. And the price, so much cheaper!
Maybe townhomes are more our pace....we'll see.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
No, not going Green. Just my posted items. I posted the following blog on a previous blog but thought it encouraging for now....enjoy.
Why do we love the underdog?
I am watching Cinderella Man and just had to ponder this question. It's not only that the opponent is evil, or that the odds are insurmountable, or that good is supposed to triumph. It is because the underdog is a picture of us. Of me.
We desperately need odds that are so far against us to somehow swing in our favor. And yet, God swings those odds in our favor for us. It looks like we are going to lose, lose the battles to our faults, our shortcomings, our sins, our wants that control us, and our desires that cripple us.
We are the lame little child that somehow beats the swift runner. We are the David that slays the Goliath. Did David's brothers and fellow countrymen mock him for trying to beat the unbeatable giant? We all have giants that seem to beat us in our lives. They punch us, they kick us while we are already down, they give us the really low blows, they try to crush us.
And as we lay there, moaning in the failure of our defeat from somewhere, our beautiful redeeming Saviour of a husband jealously attacks our enemies. He lays them out. Faults, doubts, fears, angers, he conquers them! For us! The underdogs. And then what does He do? He brings us into the ring of victory and holds our arm up, like it was us that won the fight.
How does He do this? He accepts me for what He knows I'll be, not for what I am now. How does He fight for the ones that crucified Him? The answer is His love.
Why do we love to see the underdog win? It's simple. We desperately need to see the picture of ourselves. The ones never favored to win. But through some miracle of Christ, we win. Our opponent mocks us, and tell us we are not going to win, that it is impossible. I am thankful however for knowing my Father is the God of the impossible.
Why do we love the underdog?
I am watching Cinderella Man and just had to ponder this question. It's not only that the opponent is evil, or that the odds are insurmountable, or that good is supposed to triumph. It is because the underdog is a picture of us. Of me.
We desperately need odds that are so far against us to somehow swing in our favor. And yet, God swings those odds in our favor for us. It looks like we are going to lose, lose the battles to our faults, our shortcomings, our sins, our wants that control us, and our desires that cripple us.
We are the lame little child that somehow beats the swift runner. We are the David that slays the Goliath. Did David's brothers and fellow countrymen mock him for trying to beat the unbeatable giant? We all have giants that seem to beat us in our lives. They punch us, they kick us while we are already down, they give us the really low blows, they try to crush us.
And as we lay there, moaning in the failure of our defeat from somewhere, our beautiful redeeming Saviour of a husband jealously attacks our enemies. He lays them out. Faults, doubts, fears, angers, he conquers them! For us! The underdogs. And then what does He do? He brings us into the ring of victory and holds our arm up, like it was us that won the fight.
How does He do this? He accepts me for what He knows I'll be, not for what I am now. How does He fight for the ones that crucified Him? The answer is His love.
Why do we love to see the underdog win? It's simple. We desperately need to see the picture of ourselves. The ones never favored to win. But through some miracle of Christ, we win. Our opponent mocks us, and tell us we are not going to win, that it is impossible. I am thankful however for knowing my Father is the God of the impossible.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
One Last Lazy Weekend
June 14, 2009
8am: Jay and I get up and make cinnamon rolls for breakfast! Yum! (As will be seen, this was a great day for eating!)
9:30am: okay we leave the house at this time for church, nevermind church starts at 9:30am, I made us late. Luckily we live 3 minutes from church!
11am: come home and try to think about lunch. We decide to go to Olive Garden! Yummy.
1pm: at home again and it is time for the pool. Sadly, we will soon be moving out of our apartment complex and will not have a pool for the rest of the summer.... :(
2:30pm: we go back upstair and relax in front of the TV. :)
4pm: the Johnsons come over with the kiddos and we head back to the pool. Lovely.
6pm: We all decide we are hungry and head to Outback Steakhouse where I got the teriyaki steak and a baked potato. Man, the food was good today.
8pm: Come home and shower.
9pm: Jay heads to bed and I plan on working a bit tonight to get a jump on the week.
So sad to see the weekend go.....
June 14, 2009
8am: Jay and I get up and make cinnamon rolls for breakfast! Yum! (As will be seen, this was a great day for eating!)
9:30am: okay we leave the house at this time for church, nevermind church starts at 9:30am, I made us late. Luckily we live 3 minutes from church!
11am: come home and try to think about lunch. We decide to go to Olive Garden! Yummy.
1pm: at home again and it is time for the pool. Sadly, we will soon be moving out of our apartment complex and will not have a pool for the rest of the summer.... :(
2:30pm: we go back upstair and relax in front of the TV. :)
4pm: the Johnsons come over with the kiddos and we head back to the pool. Lovely.
6pm: We all decide we are hungry and head to Outback Steakhouse where I got the teriyaki steak and a baked potato. Man, the food was good today.
8pm: Come home and shower.
9pm: Jay heads to bed and I plan on working a bit tonight to get a jump on the week.
So sad to see the weekend go.....
Friday, June 12, 2009
Hating on HGTV
So Jay and I have been looking at houses since the end of March. As many of you know, our apartment lease ends on 6/30/09. We just signed our 5th offer since March tonight. Because we have no house yet and our lease is up, we will be moving in with Jay's parents. While it is wonderful that we have that to fall back on, it poses some problems including our cat living with them and also the fact that I work from home. Talk about crowded!
Since May and our house hunting exploits, we have become huge HGTV fans. This has soured after watching multiple episodes of shows like "First Time Homebuyers", "Walk Into the First House You See And Buy It...", and "HGTV Makes It Appear Easy to Buy a Home", and my absolute favorite, "No One Else Will Ever Outbid You On Your Favorite House". The frustrations have definitely soured our experience, especially with our lease deadline.....
I mean seriously, who looks at three homes and then puts in a low offer and then moves in 3 days later? It's like false advertising making it seems so easy! I think I decided we will stop watching the home buying shows and stay just with getting decorating ideas from the staging shows.
Hopefully we will find something soon. :)
Since May and our house hunting exploits, we have become huge HGTV fans. This has soured after watching multiple episodes of shows like "First Time Homebuyers", "Walk Into the First House You See And Buy It...", and "HGTV Makes It Appear Easy to Buy a Home", and my absolute favorite, "No One Else Will Ever Outbid You On Your Favorite House". The frustrations have definitely soured our experience, especially with our lease deadline.....
I mean seriously, who looks at three homes and then puts in a low offer and then moves in 3 days later? It's like false advertising making it seems so easy! I think I decided we will stop watching the home buying shows and stay just with getting decorating ideas from the staging shows.
Hopefully we will find something soon. :)
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sleepy Sunday
June 7, 2009
8:30am: wake up groggily and get ready for church
9:30am: church at Life Point :)
11:15pm: Jay and I were in the nursery for the second service. So proud of Jay, he does a really good job with the kiddos who are toddler age.
1pm: lunch at the always classy Wendy's. I just wanted a baked potato and this seems like the best place
1:30pm: small grocery run
2:15pm: at home, nappy nap
5pm: wake up from said nap. Jay actually took a nap about that long too!
6pm: Cubbies game on TV (Jay) while I facebook.
7pm: ????
9pm: watched a movie
11pm: read a bit
12:30am: night night! :)
Maybe THIS weekend we will make it to the pool. We only have it for about 3 more weekends!
June 7, 2009
8:30am: wake up groggily and get ready for church
9:30am: church at Life Point :)
11:15pm: Jay and I were in the nursery for the second service. So proud of Jay, he does a really good job with the kiddos who are toddler age.
1pm: lunch at the always classy Wendy's. I just wanted a baked potato and this seems like the best place
1:30pm: small grocery run
2:15pm: at home, nappy nap
5pm: wake up from said nap. Jay actually took a nap about that long too!
6pm: Cubbies game on TV (Jay) while I facebook.
7pm: ????
9pm: watched a movie
11pm: read a bit
12:30am: night night! :)
Maybe THIS weekend we will make it to the pool. We only have it for about 3 more weekends!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Busy Busy!
June 6, 2009
7:30am: Jay and I both get up, he heads to work and I get to stay home.....
8am to 10:30am: I spend some time doing my fav, cleaning the house!
10:30am: I went to look at a potential house. I tried to force myself to like it because I think our realtor is getting really annoyed with us. However, just couldn't make myself do it...
11am: go back to cleaning and laundry
12:30pm: head downtown with Jay to meet his parents (for his mom's birthday) and Mae for lunch.
2:30pm: head home and change quickly!
3pm: head towards I-95 to go to DC to meet up with Katie and Mark
4:15pm: park at the Springfield metro station and metro into the District
5:15pm: meet up with Katie and Mark and head to the Nats stadium
6pm: get to stadium, get some food and watch the Nats whoop up on the Mets. It was a great game.
11:30pm: head back home to Fred-Vegas! :)
Sunday, 2am: why am I still up blogging???? I think a nap will be in order tomorrow, and I'm not going ANYWHERE tomorrow!
June 6, 2009
7:30am: Jay and I both get up, he heads to work and I get to stay home.....
8am to 10:30am: I spend some time doing my fav, cleaning the house!
10:30am: I went to look at a potential house. I tried to force myself to like it because I think our realtor is getting really annoyed with us. However, just couldn't make myself do it...
11am: go back to cleaning and laundry
12:30pm: head downtown with Jay to meet his parents (for his mom's birthday) and Mae for lunch.
2:30pm: head home and change quickly!
3pm: head towards I-95 to go to DC to meet up with Katie and Mark
4:15pm: park at the Springfield metro station and metro into the District
5:15pm: meet up with Katie and Mark and head to the Nats stadium
6pm: get to stadium, get some food and watch the Nats whoop up on the Mets. It was a great game.
11:30pm: head back home to Fred-Vegas! :)
Sunday, 2am: why am I still up blogging???? I think a nap will be in order tomorrow, and I'm not going ANYWHERE tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Is it Friday yet?
I'm just wondering because this week seems to just be dragging on and on. This is my favorite time of year too.
Summer. Wow, when I was a kid, summer was a time just to waste time. I remember walking down to the Cedar Falls Library and checking out as many books as I could carry home. And then reading all day! And how can anyone forget Dad sternly admonishing us to turn the outside hose off and that no more water can be used to run through the sprinkler. Popsicles! And watching movies in the cool AC while it is swelteringly hot outside.
Oh how I miss those days. Alas, I am an adult now and am facing the reality of an early morning team meeting tomorrow. Will have to survive with my memories of carefree summers!
Summer. Wow, when I was a kid, summer was a time just to waste time. I remember walking down to the Cedar Falls Library and checking out as many books as I could carry home. And then reading all day! And how can anyone forget Dad sternly admonishing us to turn the outside hose off and that no more water can be used to run through the sprinkler. Popsicles! And watching movies in the cool AC while it is swelteringly hot outside.
Oh how I miss those days. Alas, I am an adult now and am facing the reality of an early morning team meeting tomorrow. Will have to survive with my memories of carefree summers!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
House Hunting, Boo!
So many of you may know that Jay and I have been actively looking to purchase a home since about 3/08. (Our lease is up 6/30/09, yeah, I haven't started packing yet....)
In early April we put an offer on a home close to our current apartment. Everything seemed to be going well until after we got back from our vacay to Phoenix in early May. At that point we found out that there was a legal problem with the house title and the deal fell through. We went from thinking we would be in our first home the end of June to being homeless at the end of June.
Needless to say, we hit the ground running about a month ago. Looked at lots of houses but didn't see anything worth putting an offer on. (Yes, I'm from Iowa, I just ended a sentence with a proposition, so sue me....)
Last Thursday we found a gem. It is on an acre of land surrounded with trees, a pond in the back yard. It also has a front porch, a back deck and also a screened in porch. The inside of the house has tons of character (read: will be working on this for years to come, but is probably worth it) and is ridiculously large. However, this is a short sale and IF we got it (we offered below their asking price) it would be a while from now. Not before the end of June.
This time in putting in an offer, we decided to keep looking for houses so we wouldn't be out time if this didn't go through. Tonight we looked at another house and loved it. The yard and land is not as great but the house is better than the first. If I could put the land and outdoor area with this house, I would be uber aggressive about getting it. Anyway, this house was so great we also put an offer on this house. This is also a short sale so we would still be homeless at the end of June....
This is how Leta & Jay have two offers on two different houses. So now we just wait to see which one (if any) that we get. In the meantime (*spacehogs*), we will continue to look at more homes.
P.S. Don't worry Dad, we can get out of either contract......
In early April we put an offer on a home close to our current apartment. Everything seemed to be going well until after we got back from our vacay to Phoenix in early May. At that point we found out that there was a legal problem with the house title and the deal fell through. We went from thinking we would be in our first home the end of June to being homeless at the end of June.
Needless to say, we hit the ground running about a month ago. Looked at lots of houses but didn't see anything worth putting an offer on. (Yes, I'm from Iowa, I just ended a sentence with a proposition, so sue me....)
Last Thursday we found a gem. It is on an acre of land surrounded with trees, a pond in the back yard. It also has a front porch, a back deck and also a screened in porch. The inside of the house has tons of character (read: will be working on this for years to come, but is probably worth it) and is ridiculously large. However, this is a short sale and IF we got it (we offered below their asking price) it would be a while from now. Not before the end of June.
This time in putting in an offer, we decided to keep looking for houses so we wouldn't be out time if this didn't go through. Tonight we looked at another house and loved it. The yard and land is not as great but the house is better than the first. If I could put the land and outdoor area with this house, I would be uber aggressive about getting it. Anyway, this house was so great we also put an offer on this house. This is also a short sale so we would still be homeless at the end of June....
This is how Leta & Jay have two offers on two different houses. So now we just wait to see which one (if any) that we get. In the meantime (*spacehogs*), we will continue to look at more homes.
P.S. Don't worry Dad, we can get out of either contract......
Monday, June 1, 2009
Something New
A couple of weeks ago, my boss (also my friend) asked if the hubs wanted to play soccer in their coed adult league on their team. Jay is not keen on physical activity, however, he played soccer in HS and also played intermurals at Gettysburg College with his fraternity. He is also pretty competitive in life!
He agreed right away. Jay is an early bird to bed and doesn't like anything past 9pm on the week nights (to be fair, he gets up way earlier than I do so it's understandable) and last week's game was at 9pm. Despite the late hour for him, his team won! He is already into looking at the rankings of the teams one week into the season. :)
In the spirit of support, I agree to go out the field next to our apartment tonight and kick the ball around. I have never played soccer before and have a tendency to dislike things I am not good at. To my surprise, I had a lot of fun and plan on going out with Jay again to 'practice'. It helps that he is very encouraging and a good teacher too.
Just keep in mind, he originally wanted me to go out and kick it around with me because I was more likely to kick haphazard kicks and it would help him get back into the game. :)
So my future....running or soccer?.....maybe a little of both!
He agreed right away. Jay is an early bird to bed and doesn't like anything past 9pm on the week nights (to be fair, he gets up way earlier than I do so it's understandable) and last week's game was at 9pm. Despite the late hour for him, his team won! He is already into looking at the rankings of the teams one week into the season. :)
In the spirit of support, I agree to go out the field next to our apartment tonight and kick the ball around. I have never played soccer before and have a tendency to dislike things I am not good at. To my surprise, I had a lot of fun and plan on going out with Jay again to 'practice'. It helps that he is very encouraging and a good teacher too.
Just keep in mind, he originally wanted me to go out and kick it around with me because I was more likely to kick haphazard kicks and it would help him get back into the game. :)
So my future....running or soccer?.....maybe a little of both!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Adventures in Moving
7:30am Jay and I wake up and had coffee (Jay had coffee today, wasn't sure how that was gonna work out for him but it had no effect) and breakfast
9:30am church at Life Point, good stuff
11:30am went to Henry and Diane's (Jay parents) also in Fredericksburg and had a quick lunch!
noon: we (all four of us) drove up to Arlington and had a small detour at the Pentagon because the exit we needed was closed. :( Talked to a couple of Pentagon police officers and they were absolutely no help so we relied on Jill (my trusty GPS who is often wrong).
2pm: arrive at Mae's (Jay's sister) old apartment and practiced our move in a month by helping her out. I started up the first trip to her new apartment by shattering one of her wine glasses. Luckily, they were not expensive and also replaceable.
4:30pm: end up back at Mae's old apartment and have a quick meal.
6pm: leave Arlington to commute back to Fred-Vegas
8pm: home again home again, Jay has Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals to watch and I am thinking about starting the work week.
All in all, good practice for our own move, however, we will have way more stuff to move and a lot more flights of stairs to complete it. I think I'll play like I'm Scarlett O'Hara and think about that another day.....
9:30am church at Life Point, good stuff
11:30am went to Henry and Diane's (Jay parents) also in Fredericksburg and had a quick lunch!
noon: we (all four of us) drove up to Arlington and had a small detour at the Pentagon because the exit we needed was closed. :( Talked to a couple of Pentagon police officers and they were absolutely no help so we relied on Jill (my trusty GPS who is often wrong).
2pm: arrive at Mae's (Jay's sister) old apartment and practiced our move in a month by helping her out. I started up the first trip to her new apartment by shattering one of her wine glasses. Luckily, they were not expensive and also replaceable.
4:30pm: end up back at Mae's old apartment and have a quick meal.
6pm: leave Arlington to commute back to Fred-Vegas
8pm: home again home again, Jay has Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Finals to watch and I am thinking about starting the work week.
All in all, good practice for our own move, however, we will have way more stuff to move and a lot more flights of stairs to complete it. I think I'll play like I'm Scarlett O'Hara and think about that another day.....
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Exciting Life and Times of the Newly Wed.
May 30, 2009
10am: I wake up, poor Jay left for work at 8am and was up at 7am.
10am to noon: not really sure what I did, watched some TV, facebook, wandering around the house procrasting cleaning.
noon to 3pm: cleaned (my house smells fabulous right now!) :) ****laundry also*****
3pm: sit around with the hubs while he finishes some guacamole (made by moi!)
3:30pm: shower (what? it's the weekend, you shower Nazi!)
4pm: go grocery shopping with the hubs (fight, we usually do it in the public eye for dramatic effect)
5:30pm: the hubs starts a dinner (yes, he cooks and I clean! perfect.) of marinade steak, corn, mashed potatoes, and biscuits; while I put the bed back together after washing the bedding and start some more laundry
6pm: dinner. yum.
6:30pm: we watched Bolt
8pm: Redwings Stanley Cup Finals in hockey on TV, so I keep doing laundry and lose myself on the internet (read: facebook)
I don't forsee anything more exciting happening. And that is totally cool! :) Ah the wonderful life and times of the newly wed.
May 30, 2009
10am: I wake up, poor Jay left for work at 8am and was up at 7am.
10am to noon: not really sure what I did, watched some TV, facebook, wandering around the house procrasting cleaning.
noon to 3pm: cleaned (my house smells fabulous right now!) :) ****laundry also*****
3pm: sit around with the hubs while he finishes some guacamole (made by moi!)
3:30pm: shower (what? it's the weekend, you shower Nazi!)
4pm: go grocery shopping with the hubs (fight, we usually do it in the public eye for dramatic effect)
5:30pm: the hubs starts a dinner (yes, he cooks and I clean! perfect.) of marinade steak, corn, mashed potatoes, and biscuits; while I put the bed back together after washing the bedding and start some more laundry
6pm: dinner. yum.
6:30pm: we watched Bolt
8pm: Redwings Stanley Cup Finals in hockey on TV, so I keep doing laundry and lose myself on the internet (read: facebook)
I don't forsee anything more exciting happening. And that is totally cool! :) Ah the wonderful life and times of the newly wed.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
They tell me I'm old.

Last month while visiting my parents, they gave me birthday present early! Love these freshwater pearls! They are so beautiful! Plus I love early birthday presents! :)

On Friday (the big day!) my parents sent me flowers and Jay was in on the conspiring fun! I love surprises that are true surprises! And I love flowers.

Jay is tired of me always using his laptop so for the bday he bought me a little netbook. It's not good for much other than the internet and word processing but that is perfect for me! I love it.

Here is how small it is compared to a regular sized laptop. It's so small it can fit in my purse! Thanks to all who made this a very special 30th birthday. :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Green Thumb
I am trying my hand at plants. Never really cared about them until recently and now I have caught the bug that my mom gave, from her mom and from her mom. I'm sure it goes on further than that! We have an African Violet on my mom's side of the family that is over 100 years old! :) Here are just a few of mine.....

This is the newest addition to the house. I found it at Ikea, it's a perfect welcoming plant on our entry way table....

This one came from my mom and was recently repotted into this cute pot I found at Ross.....

This one I also got from my mom but it has just started to bloom, I've had it for 2 years and this is the first time it has done that!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
****Warning: if you are looking for a warm and fuzzy post, stop reading here!****
Okay, so I'm the Type-A that will be having a heartache at 35. I'm not gonna lie. It's part of the reason I married Jay! He is the calming voice in my life and helps keep me more even-keeled. However, lately I've been seething with anger.
I am not advocating anger, in fact, I think it is very detrimental. I am very guilty of it over the years. My anger has come from many sources, the government, the media, my job, and just the general stupidity of my fellow man.
In the past month I've heard some of the most stupid ideas of my lifetime. I was against Bush when he advocated the bailout last fall so when Congress came up with this lovely $767 Billion disaster, I about went through the roof. Talk about ruining not only my parent's retirement, any hope I ever had of retiring and the future of my children or grandchildren.
I'm sorry, I do not fit the mold of most women. Talking about home-making (which is my dream job), cooking and crafts. Politics just get me fired up. I apologize in advance if it is not ladylike.
And that's another thing. I'm tired of tip toeing around other's feelings. Sick of it. When a conflict arises at work, volunteering, etc. I tend to pretend I don't know about it or try to find the best in either person that is involved. For once I would just like to blast someone for their blantant pettiness or incorrectness. Diplomacy sucks. I would like to use the red nuclear relationship phone.
And the media, oh the media! These people are the very bane of capitalism and free speech's existence. We are totally fooling ourselves if we think that what we hear on the news is either accurate or fair. Is it too much to ask for some honest truth!!! With no spin or advocacy?
Oh and you want to know what I heard today? California's deficit is so bad that they are considering legalizing marijuana use so they can tax it for revenue. This is wrong on so many levels and if I have to explain it to you, you are part of the problem and should consider going to rehab.
When are the people of the US going to wake up and smell the coffee!?! Are we kidding ourselves??
I digress, I'm not as angry as I sound. In fact, putting it down here for digestion lightens my anger considerably. This is MY therapy. :)
I promise, happier posts to come.
Okay, so I'm the Type-A that will be having a heartache at 35. I'm not gonna lie. It's part of the reason I married Jay! He is the calming voice in my life and helps keep me more even-keeled. However, lately I've been seething with anger.
I am not advocating anger, in fact, I think it is very detrimental. I am very guilty of it over the years. My anger has come from many sources, the government, the media, my job, and just the general stupidity of my fellow man.
In the past month I've heard some of the most stupid ideas of my lifetime. I was against Bush when he advocated the bailout last fall so when Congress came up with this lovely $767 Billion disaster, I about went through the roof. Talk about ruining not only my parent's retirement, any hope I ever had of retiring and the future of my children or grandchildren.
I'm sorry, I do not fit the mold of most women. Talking about home-making (which is my dream job), cooking and crafts. Politics just get me fired up. I apologize in advance if it is not ladylike.
And that's another thing. I'm tired of tip toeing around other's feelings. Sick of it. When a conflict arises at work, volunteering, etc. I tend to pretend I don't know about it or try to find the best in either person that is involved. For once I would just like to blast someone for their blantant pettiness or incorrectness. Diplomacy sucks. I would like to use the red nuclear relationship phone.
And the media, oh the media! These people are the very bane of capitalism and free speech's existence. We are totally fooling ourselves if we think that what we hear on the news is either accurate or fair. Is it too much to ask for some honest truth!!! With no spin or advocacy?
Oh and you want to know what I heard today? California's deficit is so bad that they are considering legalizing marijuana use so they can tax it for revenue. This is wrong on so many levels and if I have to explain it to you, you are part of the problem and should consider going to rehab.
When are the people of the US going to wake up and smell the coffee!?! Are we kidding ourselves??
I digress, I'm not as angry as I sound. In fact, putting it down here for digestion lightens my anger considerably. This is MY therapy. :)
I promise, happier posts to come.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Fabulous Weekend
What a weekend! It was just what the doctor ordered. After consulting my boss on Friday, we decided that is was not necessary for me to work this weekend. Since my job is at home, it is very hard to get away from and I tend to make myself miserable thinking about work. So this weekend, I decided to not think about it at all.
I think it saved my sanity!
My new friend Candi and I headed over to Danielle's house for a girl's night. Games, eating and chatting. Lovely. Came home and slept like 9 hours! Then I was awakened by my hubby bringing breakfast to me in bed! Eggs and bacon, yum. Then I got to clean my house, most would consider this a drag but it was great for this clean freak. I even got to repot two dying plants (which are now totally rebounding)! In the afternoon we finally bought our tickets to Phoenix in May (yay)! Then it was on to Henry and Diane's for dinner and movies on Saturday night. This morning brought church which was great. We are just starting a series on He Said/She Said and relationships (the sermons are located at ) which was very good. Then we had lunch with Nick and Dana at Camille's (yum), followed by a shopping afternoon for Danielle and I. Then, to top it all off, Jay made us dinner (Jake and the kids are in Kansas this week so Danielle is on her own).
Ah bliss! I haven't been this happy or relaxed in a while! Starting my work week off right!
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend also!
I think it saved my sanity!
My new friend Candi and I headed over to Danielle's house for a girl's night. Games, eating and chatting. Lovely. Came home and slept like 9 hours! Then I was awakened by my hubby bringing breakfast to me in bed! Eggs and bacon, yum. Then I got to clean my house, most would consider this a drag but it was great for this clean freak. I even got to repot two dying plants (which are now totally rebounding)! In the afternoon we finally bought our tickets to Phoenix in May (yay)! Then it was on to Henry and Diane's for dinner and movies on Saturday night. This morning brought church which was great. We are just starting a series on He Said/She Said and relationships (the sermons are located at ) which was very good. Then we had lunch with Nick and Dana at Camille's (yum), followed by a shopping afternoon for Danielle and I. Then, to top it all off, Jay made us dinner (Jake and the kids are in Kansas this week so Danielle is on her own).
Ah bliss! I haven't been this happy or relaxed in a while! Starting my work week off right!
Hope you all had a fantastic weekend also!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
25 Random Things About Me
1. I will surrender my woman card and admit that I do not like dark or milk chocolate. I do like white chocolate though...
2. My cat was found in a gutter and looked like a rat. Now he just looks like I've fed him whipped cream and peanut butter for the majority of his life.
3. Before I die, I will visit all 7 continents. (3 down, four to go)
4. I actually love to write, however, I hate writing in my job....
5. I could never read and own enough books. Makes moving fun! :)
6. My first name means the same as my middle name, Joy.
7. If I could, I would blog for a living.
8. I really dislike talking on the phone however, texting is strangely comforting.
9. I could eat a potato in varing forms every day. Probably the same for tomatoes and a cold glass of milk.
10. I was the good kid in school. No one ever heard a peep from me. Recently I saw my speech teacher Mr. Kapanka at a wedding and he commented that I was always the quiet, good kid in class. He then tells me that those are the ones that are the worst. They have no idea, I was so devious.....
11. I used to sneak the hard pieces of brown sugar from it's container to eat them when my mom wasn't looking. A probably explains the problems I've had with my teeth.
12. I owned a convertible in Hawaii in which the floorboards filled with water after a hard rain. Just the floorboards, I have no idea how the water got in, I think it was a freak of nature. I also used that experience to give Tuemler a good laugh when I would remove the water with a turkey baster.
13. A good human interest story where the person overcomes some huge setback always brings a tear to my eye. I never let people see it though....
14. I can trace my maternal father's family back to the 1700s in Germany.
15. Jay and I rarely agree on anything, just the important stuff. Keeps it exciting!
16. I used to want 6 kids. Now I'm not sure I could handle one.
17. During college I babysat for a family of four. They had an older son and triplets. I'm pretty sure one of those triplets is now a serial killer. He (at 3) once hit me with a golf club probably because I didn't get him his snack fast enough.
18. I have been blessed to witness first hand two births! What an amazing experience (for me anyway!) and Gabriel and Dinah were worth every lost minute of sleep.
19. I'd rather be at the beach than pretty much anywhere.
20. I could buy out the Yankee Candle store and still probably not have enough candles.
21. I am a deeply suspicious person. If there is a conspiracy theory to be had in a situation I will think of it and promote it.
22. Plumerias are my favorite flowers.
23. People either say I look like Sarah Jessica Parker or Caroline Bissett Kennedy (sp?). Somehow this seems twisted. One is dead and the other has been voted most ugly.
24. I believe I have the best parents and brother and sister-in-law. I think they should all move to Virginia. :)
25. I have more clothes than any one person deserves. Yet I always want more....
2. My cat was found in a gutter and looked like a rat. Now he just looks like I've fed him whipped cream and peanut butter for the majority of his life.
3. Before I die, I will visit all 7 continents. (3 down, four to go)
4. I actually love to write, however, I hate writing in my job....
5. I could never read and own enough books. Makes moving fun! :)
6. My first name means the same as my middle name, Joy.
7. If I could, I would blog for a living.
8. I really dislike talking on the phone however, texting is strangely comforting.
9. I could eat a potato in varing forms every day. Probably the same for tomatoes and a cold glass of milk.
10. I was the good kid in school. No one ever heard a peep from me. Recently I saw my speech teacher Mr. Kapanka at a wedding and he commented that I was always the quiet, good kid in class. He then tells me that those are the ones that are the worst. They have no idea, I was so devious.....
11. I used to sneak the hard pieces of brown sugar from it's container to eat them when my mom wasn't looking. A probably explains the problems I've had with my teeth.
12. I owned a convertible in Hawaii in which the floorboards filled with water after a hard rain. Just the floorboards, I have no idea how the water got in, I think it was a freak of nature. I also used that experience to give Tuemler a good laugh when I would remove the water with a turkey baster.
13. A good human interest story where the person overcomes some huge setback always brings a tear to my eye. I never let people see it though....
14. I can trace my maternal father's family back to the 1700s in Germany.
15. Jay and I rarely agree on anything, just the important stuff. Keeps it exciting!
16. I used to want 6 kids. Now I'm not sure I could handle one.
17. During college I babysat for a family of four. They had an older son and triplets. I'm pretty sure one of those triplets is now a serial killer. He (at 3) once hit me with a golf club probably because I didn't get him his snack fast enough.
18. I have been blessed to witness first hand two births! What an amazing experience (for me anyway!) and Gabriel and Dinah were worth every lost minute of sleep.
19. I'd rather be at the beach than pretty much anywhere.
20. I could buy out the Yankee Candle store and still probably not have enough candles.
21. I am a deeply suspicious person. If there is a conspiracy theory to be had in a situation I will think of it and promote it.
22. Plumerias are my favorite flowers.
23. People either say I look like Sarah Jessica Parker or Caroline Bissett Kennedy (sp?). Somehow this seems twisted. One is dead and the other has been voted most ugly.
24. I believe I have the best parents and brother and sister-in-law. I think they should all move to Virginia. :)
25. I have more clothes than any one person deserves. Yet I always want more....
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
On Sunday (regretably I was at home sick but Jay got to go) our church Life Point gave the congregation an average week of giving (about $12,000) in increments of $10, $20, $100 and even $1000 to everyone there. The idea was that we were to give all this money back to the community to show God's love to them.
In a time where hope (in this world) seems to be fleeting, I wanted to share the website that houses all the comments from people who gave back and their stories of how God directly them to give, some to people they knew and some to people who they did not.
If you are in for a bit of encouragement that God still does amazing miraculous things, or if you just want to warm your heart go to:
Our hope is not in this world but in God above. :)
In a time where hope (in this world) seems to be fleeting, I wanted to share the website that houses all the comments from people who gave back and their stories of how God directly them to give, some to people they knew and some to people who they did not.
If you are in for a bit of encouragement that God still does amazing miraculous things, or if you just want to warm your heart go to:
Our hope is not in this world but in God above. :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Winter Wonderland

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
So blessed.
I was struck by several things today. Today we swore in our new President. Although I will probably agree with very few of his decisions, I am reminded how lucky we are in America. Rick Warren's prayer hit on so many good issues today at the Inauguration but one thing stood out.
"We are blessed enough to witness the peaceful exchange of power for the 44th time in our nation's history." (paraphrase)
Simple saying however, on this day when I worry about some of my values being threatened by the new admistration, I see how we are still so blessed. For over 200 years we have lived in relative peace (with the exception of the Civil War) in our lands with no fear of forceful take overs in our government.
My daily worry is not over what I will find to eat or if another ethnicity will rise to power that will attempt to annhiliate mine. I don't worry about a warm home or even hot water. We have so much in this country!!!
We are in the midst of a series of financial sermons at our church and something Pastor Daniel said a couple weeks ago really resonated with me. He was talking about the passages in Scripture that address riches and people who are rich. We have a tendency to assume that the Scriptures are not speaking to us in this section. Because being rich is a moving target. He showed us that we are the ones that God is speaking to as the rich.
Pastor Daniel also brought up a very shocking statistic. If you make $37,000 a year, you are in the world's top 4% of all income earners. If you make $45,000 a year, you are in the world's top 1% of all income earners. Wow! Talk about a change of perspective. I live my life based on how many clothes I can buy....
So for most of the majority of the US, and yes, even those who live on significantly less that $37,000 a year, we are extremely wealthy. God has blessed this country with monetary wealth and looking back, so much relative peace!
I was driving today thinking about these things and my thoughts turned to a couple that I went to high school with. They have a son born with heart problems. He has had 4 open heart surgeries in the past 2 years. They have faced significant financial difficulties resulting from many medical bills. They are concerned about the well-being of their son. The mother/wife just had an accident were she was injured and incurred more medical bills. To top it off, the husband/father was laid off from his job on Friday. And yet, they continue to walk in faith.
As we face these changes and trying economic times, we do have a constant. God is still in control. It did not surprise Him that 9/11/01 occurred. It did not surprise Him that Obama was elected our 44th President. It did not surprise Him that bad things would happen to good people. However, nothing is allowed to happen without His express allowance. Sure, we make our own decisions and sometimes choose the wrong ones, however, He does make all things good and He does have a plan and it's a good one.
So today, a day that leads to all of our futures, I have a different feeling than I thought I would. And that is one of thankfulness for all He has entrusted us with in this country. We are so blessed!
"We are blessed enough to witness the peaceful exchange of power for the 44th time in our nation's history." (paraphrase)
Simple saying however, on this day when I worry about some of my values being threatened by the new admistration, I see how we are still so blessed. For over 200 years we have lived in relative peace (with the exception of the Civil War) in our lands with no fear of forceful take overs in our government.
My daily worry is not over what I will find to eat or if another ethnicity will rise to power that will attempt to annhiliate mine. I don't worry about a warm home or even hot water. We have so much in this country!!!
We are in the midst of a series of financial sermons at our church and something Pastor Daniel said a couple weeks ago really resonated with me. He was talking about the passages in Scripture that address riches and people who are rich. We have a tendency to assume that the Scriptures are not speaking to us in this section. Because being rich is a moving target. He showed us that we are the ones that God is speaking to as the rich.
Pastor Daniel also brought up a very shocking statistic. If you make $37,000 a year, you are in the world's top 4% of all income earners. If you make $45,000 a year, you are in the world's top 1% of all income earners. Wow! Talk about a change of perspective. I live my life based on how many clothes I can buy....
So for most of the majority of the US, and yes, even those who live on significantly less that $37,000 a year, we are extremely wealthy. God has blessed this country with monetary wealth and looking back, so much relative peace!
I was driving today thinking about these things and my thoughts turned to a couple that I went to high school with. They have a son born with heart problems. He has had 4 open heart surgeries in the past 2 years. They have faced significant financial difficulties resulting from many medical bills. They are concerned about the well-being of their son. The mother/wife just had an accident were she was injured and incurred more medical bills. To top it off, the husband/father was laid off from his job on Friday. And yet, they continue to walk in faith.
As we face these changes and trying economic times, we do have a constant. God is still in control. It did not surprise Him that 9/11/01 occurred. It did not surprise Him that Obama was elected our 44th President. It did not surprise Him that bad things would happen to good people. However, nothing is allowed to happen without His express allowance. Sure, we make our own decisions and sometimes choose the wrong ones, however, He does make all things good and He does have a plan and it's a good one.
So today, a day that leads to all of our futures, I have a different feeling than I thought I would. And that is one of thankfulness for all He has entrusted us with in this country. We are so blessed!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
It's Done!
Just registered for the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon on 5/17/09. There is no turning back now as I've just invested $60 in making myself train for the race. It's here in Fred-Vegas.
Let the fun begin.....
Let the fun begin.....
Monday, January 5, 2009
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
I hate speed limits. I think they are put there by an overly regulating government who does not spend enough time going after real criminals. ***Back when I worked for car place, I had to go meet a state trooper who had pulled over a rental car full of illegals. I had to pick up the car and the trooper dropped them off at the nearest McDonalds because INS is just too busy. Oh, and they got no tickets because they were not registered in this country.***
Yet, they have interest in pulling me over two times in the past month. Up until this point in my driving career, I have only managed one ticket and it wasn't for speeding.
Now to be fair, up until about a month ago, I have been a speed demon. I just don't see the point of moving slowly when I have places to be. And often times, in this greater DC area, I am unable to even move at the speed limit as we are basically moving backwards in this ridiculous traffic. Alas, that topic is for another post.....
Anyway, last month in NC while visiting Jesse and Stacie I got a ticket for speeding (first ever in my life). In my defense, there was an open road and being from DC, I was so unaccustomed to moving without inhibitions, that I was just happily driving away (at an unknown speed under and unknown speed limit) when a cop pulled me over. In my bliss of trafficless driving I had managed to be going 70 miles an hour in a 55. Who drives 55 anyway?
Aside from seething from the thought of having to spend $150 on a ticket instead of clothes I brushed it off. With all the speeding I have done in my life I figured I probably deserved it.
*******I no longer deserve any speeding tickets*************
Apparently the Sheriff's office and deputies of Caroline County did not get this memo.
Because of the ticket last month, I have been driving very carefully lately. I've been obeying speed limits in all arenas besides I-95 and let's be honest, if you are not going at least 80 on I-95, I want you off the road. You should not even be allowed on I-95 if not willing to drive that fast. Again, that is another post for another day.....
SO, I had had a meeting for work today and was driving home on Route 1. For those non-Virginians, this is a hilly 4 lane road that runs parallel to I-95 and the speed limit is 55. Because I have been so cautious lately, I put the cruise control on at somewhere between 55 and 60.
I'm driving ignorantly along, blissfully unaware of my coming doom.
As I'm driving I see an SUV with lights on pull out onto Route 1 about 3/4 of a mile behind me. I panic briefly and then realize that I have on my cruise control. I'm totally safe! :)
I keep driving and slowly realize that they are still coming up behind me and are not speeding up so as to pass me. The SUV comes right up on the BMW behind me and the BMW starts to pull over but then the SUV goes around the BMW and I start blaspheming all police departments as I realize they are after me.....
the hardened criminal......
who has a security clearance......
and has been very good lately about speeding.....
So I pull over and the deputy asks me why I think he pulled me over.
I looked as him dumbly (and innocently I might add...) and he enlightens me. You (me) were going 62. And I'm thinking, am I really getting pulled over for going 7 over? And I had been going down a hill which made my cruise control go up a bit.
I cannot win.
Then he tells me that for a brief minute, the speed limit reduces to 45. Shut the front door! Are you kidding me? That is reckless driving in Virginia and I could totally lose my license and job.
Boo to cops, go arrest someone harmful to society.
Anyway, I manage to get out of a ticket or a warning due to a fluke and he only runs a background check on me to make sure I'm not wanted anywhere.
Luckily (barely squeeked by that one) he found nothing and I was free to go.
I'm not sure how much more I can alter my behavior and if bad things come in threes I'm due for one now. I'd better start thinking about how to get out of the next one.....
Yet, they have interest in pulling me over two times in the past month. Up until this point in my driving career, I have only managed one ticket and it wasn't for speeding.
Now to be fair, up until about a month ago, I have been a speed demon. I just don't see the point of moving slowly when I have places to be. And often times, in this greater DC area, I am unable to even move at the speed limit as we are basically moving backwards in this ridiculous traffic. Alas, that topic is for another post.....
Anyway, last month in NC while visiting Jesse and Stacie I got a ticket for speeding (first ever in my life). In my defense, there was an open road and being from DC, I was so unaccustomed to moving without inhibitions, that I was just happily driving away (at an unknown speed under and unknown speed limit) when a cop pulled me over. In my bliss of trafficless driving I had managed to be going 70 miles an hour in a 55. Who drives 55 anyway?
Aside from seething from the thought of having to spend $150 on a ticket instead of clothes I brushed it off. With all the speeding I have done in my life I figured I probably deserved it.
*******I no longer deserve any speeding tickets*************
Apparently the Sheriff's office and deputies of Caroline County did not get this memo.
Because of the ticket last month, I have been driving very carefully lately. I've been obeying speed limits in all arenas besides I-95 and let's be honest, if you are not going at least 80 on I-95, I want you off the road. You should not even be allowed on I-95 if not willing to drive that fast. Again, that is another post for another day.....
SO, I had had a meeting for work today and was driving home on Route 1. For those non-Virginians, this is a hilly 4 lane road that runs parallel to I-95 and the speed limit is 55. Because I have been so cautious lately, I put the cruise control on at somewhere between 55 and 60.
I'm driving ignorantly along, blissfully unaware of my coming doom.
As I'm driving I see an SUV with lights on pull out onto Route 1 about 3/4 of a mile behind me. I panic briefly and then realize that I have on my cruise control. I'm totally safe! :)
I keep driving and slowly realize that they are still coming up behind me and are not speeding up so as to pass me. The SUV comes right up on the BMW behind me and the BMW starts to pull over but then the SUV goes around the BMW and I start blaspheming all police departments as I realize they are after me.....
the hardened criminal......
who has a security clearance......
and has been very good lately about speeding.....
So I pull over and the deputy asks me why I think he pulled me over.
I looked as him dumbly (and innocently I might add...) and he enlightens me. You (me) were going 62. And I'm thinking, am I really getting pulled over for going 7 over? And I had been going down a hill which made my cruise control go up a bit.
I cannot win.
Then he tells me that for a brief minute, the speed limit reduces to 45. Shut the front door! Are you kidding me? That is reckless driving in Virginia and I could totally lose my license and job.
Boo to cops, go arrest someone harmful to society.
Anyway, I manage to get out of a ticket or a warning due to a fluke and he only runs a background check on me to make sure I'm not wanted anywhere.
Luckily (barely squeeked by that one) he found nothing and I was free to go.
I'm not sure how much more I can alter my behavior and if bad things come in threes I'm due for one now. I'd better start thinking about how to get out of the next one.....
Saturday, January 3, 2009
I was thinking while scrubbing one of my toilets on what is now my ritual Saturday morning cleaning:
How did I get here?
I have to thank my mom for my love of cleanliness, because it was her idea to clean every Saturday morning.
To a child, this is utterly ridiculous torture. When I was a kid, cartoons (the good kind) were on from 7am to noon and the last thing I wanted to do was clean!
Hence my early on slothfulness.
I remember having the weekly task of cleaning the upstairs bathroom. That thing was disgusting. Probably because my brother and I were the only ones to use it. I distinctly remember incorrectly cleaning it on purpose. Either to annoy my mom (sorry mom) for giving me this horrible task or to get her to do it. Somehow, as a child, this made sense: spending time doing a job incorrectly so I wouldn't have to do it.....(duh). She still made me do it again the next week so who knows why I tried this more than once....
Now I'm a clean freak, thanks all to my mom!
So thanks mom, for making me clean. Sorry you didn't get to reap any of the benefits.
How did I get here?
I have to thank my mom for my love of cleanliness, because it was her idea to clean every Saturday morning.
To a child, this is utterly ridiculous torture. When I was a kid, cartoons (the good kind) were on from 7am to noon and the last thing I wanted to do was clean!
Hence my early on slothfulness.
I remember having the weekly task of cleaning the upstairs bathroom. That thing was disgusting. Probably because my brother and I were the only ones to use it. I distinctly remember incorrectly cleaning it on purpose. Either to annoy my mom (sorry mom) for giving me this horrible task or to get her to do it. Somehow, as a child, this made sense: spending time doing a job incorrectly so I wouldn't have to do it.....(duh). She still made me do it again the next week so who knows why I tried this more than once....
Now I'm a clean freak, thanks all to my mom!
So thanks mom, for making me clean. Sorry you didn't get to reap any of the benefits.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Bring it on 2009.
So most people out there make some New Year's resolutions at the beginning of every year. Not Jay! Jay doesn't like doing anything that everyone else is doing.
Example: He currently hates anything pomagranate because it is the 'in' thing right now. He is a such pomagranate snub. I love it however so I used that to annoy him.
So anyway, he decided several years ago that for his New Year's resolution that he would never make New Year's resolution again. So far, he has been more successful than the majority of the American public on keeping their resolutions.
So that covers Jay.
Me, I'm a little more complex. I always have the best intentions on making resolutions but then I never make them. This year I decided that I would just set a goal rather than make a resolution. So I have decided to run the Historic Fredericksburg Marine Corps 1/2 Marathon on 5/17/09.
Yes, yes, I'm a classic underachiever. Only I would set a goal of running a 1/2 marathon when I've run two marathons. However, a marathon is just more than I would like to take on. All the scheduling that goes on, you have to cut out huge chunks of your day to run in the later training and you have to schedule all your meals to make sure you eat enough carbs at the right time. I'm just not feelin' it.
So 1/2 marathon here I come. I'm telling you all because I need some accountability. Jay's already told a lot of people here so I thought I'd also share with the cyber world. :)
There you have it, my life shattering resolution. Any other takers????
Happy New Year's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Example: He currently hates anything pomagranate because it is the 'in' thing right now. He is a such pomagranate snub. I love it however so I used that to annoy him.
So anyway, he decided several years ago that for his New Year's resolution that he would never make New Year's resolution again. So far, he has been more successful than the majority of the American public on keeping their resolutions.
So that covers Jay.
Me, I'm a little more complex. I always have the best intentions on making resolutions but then I never make them. This year I decided that I would just set a goal rather than make a resolution. So I have decided to run the Historic Fredericksburg Marine Corps 1/2 Marathon on 5/17/09.
Yes, yes, I'm a classic underachiever. Only I would set a goal of running a 1/2 marathon when I've run two marathons. However, a marathon is just more than I would like to take on. All the scheduling that goes on, you have to cut out huge chunks of your day to run in the later training and you have to schedule all your meals to make sure you eat enough carbs at the right time. I'm just not feelin' it.
So 1/2 marathon here I come. I'm telling you all because I need some accountability. Jay's already told a lot of people here so I thought I'd also share with the cyber world. :)
There you have it, my life shattering resolution. Any other takers????
Happy New Year's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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