Anniversary Countdown

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Exciting Life and Times of the Newly Wed.

May 30, 2009

10am: I wake up, poor Jay left for work at 8am and was up at 7am.

10am to noon: not really sure what I did, watched some TV, facebook, wandering around the house procrasting cleaning.

noon to 3pm: cleaned (my house smells fabulous right now!) :) ****laundry also*****

3pm: sit around with the hubs while he finishes some guacamole (made by moi!)

3:30pm: shower (what? it's the weekend, you shower Nazi!)

4pm: go grocery shopping with the hubs (fight, we usually do it in the public eye for dramatic effect)

5:30pm: the hubs starts a dinner (yes, he cooks and I clean! perfect.) of marinade steak, corn, mashed potatoes, and biscuits; while I put the bed back together after washing the bedding and start some more laundry

6pm: dinner. yum.

6:30pm: we watched Bolt

8pm: Redwings Stanley Cup Finals in hockey on TV, so I keep doing laundry and lose myself on the internet (read: facebook)

I don't forsee anything more exciting happening. And that is totally cool! :) Ah the wonderful life and times of the newly wed.

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