Anniversary Countdown

Monday, November 24, 2008

Girls Night Out! :)

So my friend Danielle has her birthday in December and she just got a new job so we decided to celebrate! Ladies Night Out at The Melting Pot, a four course taste bud extraordinaire!

To accomplish this however, there was the issue of the kids. I love Gabriel and Dinah but I don't think The Melting Pot is conducive to small children. I'm seeing third degree burns and an unhappy ending.

Luckily, my dirt phobic, child fearing, dirty diaper avoiding husband VOLUNTEERED to watch both the kiddos so Danielle and I could go out to dinner.

We began the night at the Johnson's home so I could pick up and Danielle and drop Jay off. Danielle had put Dinah to bed to that Jay wouldn't have to 'deal' with her. She is 1 and I think that age scares Jay just a bit so all he had to do was keep Gabriel happy for the night.

During the appetizer portion of our meal I received a text saying that Dinah would not stop crying in her room. During the salad portion of our meal I received a text saying Gabriel was now going commando. By the entree portion of our meal I had received a text saying Dinah was downstairs with the two of them because even the milk we had told him to give her was not making her happy. And finally at dessert, we received the appetizing message that Dinah was 'stinky'.

For fun, I told him to look down the back of her diaper to see if he saw some poop.

By the time we got back to Danielle's house, everything was perfect. Dinah was crawling happily on the floor, Gabriel was sitting in front of the TV watching SpongeBob and Jay was sitting on the couch with a full head of hair!

Nothing to it! :)

We were so grateful to Jay that he did this for us and that he got out of his own comfort zone so we could have some alone time. It was wonderful! AND, he even volunteered to do it again sometime!

Maybe next time Jay can graduate to changing diapers as when we got home, Dinah was still 'stinky' and Danielle got to instruct Jay (by doing it herself) on how to change a dirty diaper.

Ah bliss!

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